Around the World in 80 Days

Wednesday April 20th 2022

Minchinhampton Market House at 7:00pm – CANCELLED

The Market House apologies for the CANCELLATION of the show caused by very low ticket numbers

Online ticket purchases have been refunded in full

Cash ticket purchases will be refunded in full

Please contact

The year is 1872
The Nightingale has struck again!
The famous art thief has stolen three paintings from museums around London and is now attempting to flee the country for the safely of foreign soil.
At the same time Phillius Fogg and his new valet Passeportout are attempting to go Around The World In 80 Days in order to win a bet of £20,000.
But is that just a cover story to hide the dastardly escape of The Nightingale? That’s what Scotland Yards finest detective, Chief Inspector Fix, believes and he will stop at nothing to capture our heroes.
Join Rain Or Shine Theatre Company for adventure, mishaps, tomfoolery and lashings of comedy!