Survey results and date of next public meeting

The Market House Management Committee was thrilled with the number of completed questionnaires that were returned following the first phase of this consultation.  Your suggestions have been immensely helpful to us as we explore how the building is currently used and, more importantly, how it could be used more by the community.

We had 206 questionnaires returned to us and these are the headlines:

  • The majority of people liked the idea of glassing in the Undercroft to make it a usable space for the community. Some of those who said that they disliked the idea added that they would find partial glassing in acceptable.
  • With regard to modernising the toilets, the overwhelming majority of respondents liked this idea.
  • The vast majority also liked the idea of installing a lift in the building, although several others were undecided as they needed more information about where the lift might be located.

We are now in a position to present some proposals and would like to invite all residents of Minchinhampton, as well as those who visit or hire the building, to a second public meeting on Saturday 17 October 2015 from 9.30am to 1.00pm with a formal presentation at 10.00am.

If you would like to be sent a more detailed analysis of the results of our survey, please email:

The Committee’s aim is to revitalise this unique building and re-establish it as the town’s social, cultural and architectural centrepiece. We hope you will come along on to this event and tell us what you think!